Posts filed under School

Students: Spring Break Resources

Inner City High School will be closed March 24-28 for Spring Break. We will resume normal school hours on Monday, March 31, 2025. If you are experiencing crisis in the period that we are closed, please access these resources for support.


211 - community resources/information line – it will transfer you to any distress lines (24/7)
Outside of Edmonton, 780-482-INFO (4636) 

1-877-303-2642 = Mental Health Help Line


Distress Centre 24/7 Line - 780-482-HELP - (4357) 
Or chat:  

Kids Help Line - 1-800-668-6868 
or Text CONNECT to 686868 

FNMI Hope for Wellness Help Line (24/7) - 1-855-242-3310 
or chat 

Canada Suicide Prevention Service (French/English)   
Text:   9-8-8 

Phone counselling (Through Kids Help Phone)

The following services and resources are available when you need help urgently:  
9-1-1 (request mental health professionals), or walk into Emergency Dept of Hospital

ACCESS 24/7 (18+) Urgent Support:  
Call: 780-424-2424 
Walk-in: *NEW LOCATION* Edmonton Community Health Hub North at 13211 Fort Rd NW 

ACCESS Open Minds Walk-in clinic (ages 16-25) 
Monday - Friday 12PM-5PM
6th floor, 9942 108 Street 


Posted on March 21, 2025 and filed under School.

Our Annual Spring Snow Valley Ski & Snowboard Trip

Our annual spring Snow Valley Ski & Snowboard trip was held on Thursday, March 13. The conditions were fabulous! As you can see, everyone had a blast! Our thanks to Snow Valley for their support for student rentals, lift tickets & lunch! A shout out to our staff - Alana, Armand, Derek, Tanys, Kaelei & Matt - who accompanied 20 students for a day on the slopes.

Posted on March 18, 2025 and filed under School.

Push-Up Challenge Completed!

In February, some students at Inner City High School participate in our first Push-Up Challenge. Our Phys Ed teachers worked with participants to help them stay motivated and have fun. The Push-Up Challenge was a unique and fun way for our school to foster better mental health and wellbeing through physical activity, connection and bite-sized mental health facts.

Derek (left) and Francis (right) kick off the month’s challenge with prizes in the gym.

We awarded prizes to 2 student winners of the 'Push Up Challenge'. Connor (pictured) won the Toes Push-Up category with 650 pushups, and Shirley won in the Knee Push-Up category with 124 pushups. Both students won prizes that were handed out by Derek.

Posted on March 4, 2025 and filed under School.

Students Tour MacEwan University

Grade 12s Visit MacEwan University…

Last week, a group of our grade 12 students had a private tour of the MacEwan campus with Inner City staff members Kelsey and Tanys. The youth saw the campus and learned about the services and unique things that MacEwan has to offer. After the main tour, the group had a look at the university's Indigenous centre, 'kihêw waciston'. Students met Jaycee (one of the Indigenous student advisors) who explained the various programs they provide to make the transition from high school to university a bit easier. We will be doing other school tours in the next few months, including U of A and NAIT!

Posted on February 11, 2025 and filed under School.

Register For High School Classes in Semester 2A!

If you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form on our website.

February’s registration for Semester 2A is in-person. Starting Monday, February 3, 2025, you can drop in and register from 9 AM until 2 PM Monday to Thursday, and 9 AM until 12:10 PM on Fridays. Registration does not take place on holidays and school closure dates.

If you are between 15 and 19 years of age, come and see us at 11205 101 Street.

(Group Home Worker & Case Workers — if a student has a
Permanent Guardianship Order or a Delegation of Powers form they should bring that with them too. This is also true if a Mooshum, Kokum or Auntie are the student’s legal guardian - we need proof of that by way of documents.)

When you register, you need to bring documents that confirm:

  • your name, age and where you live

  • your Canadian citizenship

  • and you will need to sign or have some consent forms signed or returned to us.

If you do have identification, below are some examples of documents that you can use, so bring one of the three things that follow.

1.       Proof of your current address:

  • Driver’s License

  • Alberta ID

  • Utility Bill

  • Lease/Rental Agreement

  • Municipal Tax Bill

  • Banking or Credit Card Statements 

2.       Proof of your name/age:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Driver’s License

  • Alberta ID Card

3.       Proof of Canadian Citizenship:

  • Status / Treaty Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • Passport

  • Canadian Citizen Card or Certificate

  • Canadian Certificate of Live Birth

  • Permanent Resident Card

Our school calendar lists all the important dates for the upcoming school year and holidays.
Again, if you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form of our website.

Posted on February 2, 2025 and filed under School.

Register For Classes in Our Next Semester in November!

November’s registration Semester 1B for high school is in-person. Classes begin November 13. Prior you can drop in and register from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM Monday to Friday, except on holidays.

If you are between 15 and 19 years of age, come and see us at 11205 101 Street. If you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form on our website. Our Registration Reminder Form lets you sign up so you are reminded what to bring on the first day of classes.

(Group Home Worker & Case Workers — if a student has a Permanent Guardianship Order or a Delegation of Powers form they should bring that with them too. This is also true if a Mooshum, Kokum or Auntie are the student’s legal guardian - we need proof of that by way of documents.)

When you register, you need to bring documents that confirm:

  • your name, age and where you live

  • your Canadian citizenship

  • and you will need to sign or have some consent forms signed or returned to us.

Important! Don’t worry if you don’t have identification, our staff will help you get the ID you need to enroll. Don’t stress about ID! We’ll do our best to help you get proper ID.

If you do have identification, below are some examples of documents that you can use, so bring one of the three things following.

1.       Proof of your current address:

  • Driver’s License

  • Alberta ID

  • Utility Bill

  • Lease/Rental Agreement

  • Municipal Tax Bill

  • Banking or Credit Card Statements 

2.       Proof of your name/age:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Driver’s License

  • Alberta ID Card

3.       Proof of Canadian Citizenship:

  • Status / Treaty Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • Passport

  • Canadian Citizen Card or Certificate

  • Canadian Certificate of Live Birth

  • Permanent Resident Card

Our school calendar lists all the important dates for the upcoming school year and holidays.
Again, if you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form of our website.

Posted on August 7, 2024 and filed under School.