Our services give a sense of empowerment, hope, and a feeling of belonging and accomplishment to many who might otherwise become another statistic, or worse, another tragic story.
Our programming depends on ongoing community support. We strive to assess the current needs of our community, and to adapt and grow in response to new challenges and new opportunities. From large corporations, to government agencies, to individuals — we've maintained our commitment to those we serve through ongoing and thoughtful sponsorship from our community. Our sponsors believe in our work. They know that that the young people in our programs and high school deserve the support and opportunities that others take for granted. Simple things like bus tickets, housing, food, a friend who cares, hope for the future, and support while they struggle to realize their dreams.
Many thanks to these organizations for their ongoing support.
The ongoing support of the following individuals and organizations continue to make our programming possible.
Special Thanks
Mary Robbins
Many thanks for contributions by the City of Edmonton's Donate A Ride program.
Thank you to Alberta Culture for supporting Edmonton's high risk youth through a grant.
Private Foundations
Many thanks these Private Foundations who have donated or sponsored portions of programming through fundraising or direct support.
Gandhi Foundation For World Peace
Edmonton Community Foundation
Kristie Charitable Foundation
Many thanks for donations by The Stollery Charitable Foundation.
Many thanks for donations by The Melton Foundation.
Many thanks for donations by The Butler Family Foundation.
Government Of Canada
Many thanks to the Government Of Canada for funding through:
Urban Aboriginal Strategy (AANDC) and Aboriginal Peoples' Program (Canadian Heritage)
Government Of Alberta
Many thanks to the Government Of Alberta for support through:
Wild Rose Foundation, Alberta Education, Alberta Culture - Community Spirit Program, Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC)
Agencies & Programs
Many thanks to the the support of the following agencies and programs.
Computers For Schools, Edmonton Community Lottery Board
Educational Institutions
Many thanks to the the support of the following educational institutions for their support.
University Of Alberta, Edmonton Catholic Schools, Edmonton Public Schools
Corporate Sponsors
Many thanks these corporate sponsors who have donated or sponsored portions of programming through services or direct funding.
Microsoft Corporation
Hök Nik Creative
Stanley Tools
Bon Ton Bakery
Kingsway Garden Mall, Merchants Association