If you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form on our website.
February’s registration for Semester 2A is in-person. Starting Monday, February 3, 2025, you can drop in and register from 9 AM until 2 PM Monday to Thursday, and 9 AM until 12:10 PM on Fridays. Registration does not take place on holidays and school closure dates.
If you are between 15 and 19 years of age, come and see us at 11205 101 Street.
(Group Home Worker & Case Workers — if a student has a Permanent Guardianship Order or a Delegation of Powers form they should bring that with them too. This is also true if a Mooshum, Kokum or Auntie are the student’s legal guardian - we need proof of that by way of documents.)
When you register, you need to bring documents that confirm:
your name, age and where you live
your Canadian citizenship
and you will need to sign or have some consent forms signed or returned to us.
If you do have identification, below are some examples of documents that you can use, so bring one of the three things that follow.
1. Proof of your current address:
Driver’s License
Alberta ID
Utility Bill
Lease/Rental Agreement
Municipal Tax Bill
Banking or Credit Card Statements
2. Proof of your name/age:
Birth Certificate
Driver’s License
Alberta ID Card
3. Proof of Canadian Citizenship:
Status / Treaty Card
Birth Certificate
Canadian Citizen Card or Certificate
Canadian Certificate of Live Birth
Permanent Resident Card
Our school calendar lists all the important dates for the upcoming school year and holidays.
Again, if you have any questions on registration, you can contact the school at (780) 424-9425 or submit an inquiry on the Contact Form of our website.