Committed to Our Values, Mission and Vision

We are fortunate to have a Board of Directors that not only bears responsibility for setting policy and holding fiduciary responsibility for our agency, but does so out of deep commitment to the mission, values and vision of our Association. ICYDA staff is grateful for their leadership and their investment of time, expertise and resources.

Current Board


Alexina Dalgetty, MFA

Jay Gilday, BA,




Emily Tang, MSc, MPH Candidate


Cory Chan, Tax Lawyer


Nikolai Linden, BA, MA in progress
Joe Cloutier, B.Ed., MA, M.Ed. PhD.


Board Roles

  • Our volunteer board organizes its activities and priorities around the vision and mission of our association.

  • All board members have a shared understanding of the theory of change, leverage and scale that we use to meet our mission.

  • Our board engages in strategic planning, evaluation planning, and resource development to serve as our core strategy. These plans are routinely referenced and we measure progress against the plans and adapt our strategies to emergent opportunities.

  • Our board assembles and maintains relationships with a strong network of volunteer advisers, paid service providers, consultants, and peer colleagues in the community to provide operational and programs support to help us stay on the leading edge of management and service.

We Are Actively Seeking Board New Members

To learn more about the many ways you can participate in the present and future direction of our association, please contact us. 

You Can Make a Difference

Inner City Youth Development Association (ICYDA) seeks passionate and dedicated individuals to join our Board of Directors.

Over 30 years Empowering Marginalized Youth

We are a unique and dynamic nonprofit organization committed to empowering Edmonton's marginalized urban Indigenous and other youth.


Our Youth Engagement Program contacts youth at the street level and provides counselling, food, and other essential support before bridging youth into our school.

Our Alberta Education accredited independent High School and the Inner City Youth Engagement Program creates a wraparound structure that offers life-changing opportunities for Edmonton’s urban marginalized Indigenous and other youth.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide Edmonton's marginalized urban Indigenous and other youth with preventative social service and educational programs that promote and facilitate independence and responsibility, empowering them to become active, constructive, caring community members.

What We Do:

  • Provide trauma informed, wraparound services that include a court worker, a food bank, daily meals, counselling, housing assistance, and mental health referrals

  • Provide an accredited trauma-informed Alberta Education accredited independent high school for Edmonton's marginalized youth.

We're Looking for Board Members With:

  • Passion for supporting marginalized youth

  • Experience in education, social work, mental health, or accounting and nonprofit Board experience

  • Understanding of Indigenous cultures and issues and/or sensitivity and willingness to learn

  • Financial acumen and strategic thinking skills

Ideal Candidates Will Have:

  • Awareness or interest in Indigenous issues

  • Knowledge of or interest in wraparound services and alternative education models

  • Experience with policy boards in nonprofit organizations

  • Connections within the Edmonton and Indigenous community

Responsibilities Include:

  • Attending monthly board meetings

  • Participating in strategic planning and decision-making

  • Oversee organizational Policies

  • Contribute to strategic direction and long term planning

  • Ensuring financial oversight and accountability

  • Advocating for our organization and the youth we serve

Time Commitment is:

  • Between 5 and 10 hours per month, nine months a year

  • Minimum of a two-year term

Join us, and together, we will create life-changing opportunities for Edmonton's most vulnerable youth. To apply or learn more, please get in touch with Nikolai.