Youth Engagement Program
Building Trust &
Extra supports are often required to deal with lifestyle issues. Many youth we serve require financial and health referrals and others face the ever present problem of homelessness. Our Youth Engagement team helps sort these issues out.
It's The Foundation of Our Program
The Youth Engagement Program* is the foundation of our programming and provides youth with basic needs such as multi-literacy programs, living skills, food, transportation, school supplies, and the tools, attitudes, and resources needed to change lives. Counseling to repair damaged lives, meals to feed the hungry, transportation when needed, and other preventative programming — all fall under the Youth Engagement umbrella. In this program one-to-one and small group counselling are part of the introduction process. Issues of literacy, attitude, self-discipline, attendance, respect, non-violence, trust, and cooperation are addressed in part 1 and 2 of the introductory package. Extra support is often required and provided to deal with lifestyle issues. Many youth require financial referrals and others face the ever present problem of homelessness. Our Outreach program, and our Negan Tapeh program fall under the Youth Engagement umbrella.
To learn more about our Youth Engagement Program, please contact us.
* Formerly the Youth Support Program.