My name is Michelle. I am a mother, wife, Respiratory Therapist and Yoga Teacher. This year the pandemic has shaped me in many ways. My initial reaction to home schooling was not positive. I often struggle to make technology work for me and discovered quite quickly that none of our outdated Apple devices were compatible with Google Classroom. Initially I panicked, certain that I would be responsible for my daughter failing Grade 2. But, we were able to borrow a chrome book from school and we found a routine and adapted to this new normal.
““Breath by breath, one at a time — let’s make this world a better place.””
Covid has been stressful on so many levels and for so many people in different situations. I reconnected to an old friend and learned of some of the different struggles other kids were facing right here in Edmonton. No devices. No Wi-Fi. No food. And in many cases, no safe place to call home. My friend works for Inner City High School teaching art to marginalized and Indigenous youth. Throughout Covid, Inner City Youth Development Foundation has continued to provide support to their students not only in continuing their students' education but offering hot lunches, clothing, and mental health aid as part of their wrap around care model.
In learning about all the work this group does, I felt called to help somehow. I decided to host a yoga class by donation with all funds going to Inner City Youth Development Foundation. I hope I've helped in some small way and plan to continue offering Karma Yoga classes. Breath by breath, one at a time — let's make this world a better place.
You can follow Michelle at and